CRAN/E | R Packages from Bootstrap contributors

Bootstrap contributors

Author of 7 R packages

Quick info

Bootstrap contributors has worked on 7 packages so far. In total, Bootstrap contributors has worked with 103 other authors on those packages. This amount of teamwork is mind-blowing! A true legend.

Packages overview


Package details


Custom 'Bootstrap' 'Sass' Themes for 'shiny' and 'rmarkdown'

Carson Sievert , Joe Cheng , Garrick Aden-Buie , Posit Software , PBC , Bootstrap contributors , Twitter , Inc , Javi Aguilar , Thomas Park , PayPal


Test Coverage for Packages

Jim Hester , Willem Ligtenberg , Kirill Müller , Henrik Bengtsson , Steve Peak , Kirill Sevastyanenko , Jon Clayden , Robert Flight , Eric Brown , Brodie Gaslam , Will Beasley , Robert Krzyzanowski , Markus Wamser , Karl Forner , Gergely Daróczi , Jouni Helske , Kun Ren , Jeroen Ooms , Ken Williams , Chris Campbell , David Hugh-Jones , Qin Wang , Doug Kelkhoff , Ivan Sagalaev , Mark Otto , Jacob Thornton , Bootstrap contributors , Twitter , Inc


Inter-Widget Interactivity for HTML Widgets

Joe Cheng , Carson Sievert , Posit Software , PBC , jQuery Foundation , jQuery contributors , Mark Otto , Jacob Thornton , Bootstrap contributors , Twitter , Inc , Brian Reavis , Kristopher Michael Kowal , es5-shim contributors , Denis Ineshin , Sami Samhuri


Create Custom 'Bootstrap' Themes to Use in 'Shiny'

Victor Perrier , Fanny Meyer , Thomas Park , Mark Otto , Jacob Thornton , Bootstrap contributors , Twitter , Inc , onkbear , Colorlib


Dynamic Documents for R

JJ Allaire , Yihui Xie , Christophe Dervieux , Jonathan McPherson , Javier Luraschi , Kevin Ushey , Aron Atkins , Hadley Wickham , Joe Cheng , Winston Chang , Richard Iannone , Andrew Dunning , Atsushi Yasumoto , Barret Schloerke , Carson Sievert , Devon Ryan , Frederik Aust , Jeff Allen , JooYoung Seo , Malcolm Barrett , Rob Hyndman , Romain Lesur , Roy Storey , Ruben Arslan , Sergio Oller , Posit Software , PBC , jQuery UI contributors , Mark Otto , Jacob Thornton , Bootstrap contributors , Twitter , Inc , Alexander Farkas , Scott Jehl , Ivan Sagalaev , Greg Franko , John MacFarlane , Google , Inc. , Dave Raggett , W3C , Dave Gandy , Ben Sperry , Drifty , Aidan Lister , Benct Philip Jonsson , Albert Krewinkel


A Shiny Dashboard Template System

Zhengjia Wang , ColorlibHQ , Bootstrap contributors , Twitter , Inc , Ivan Sagalaev , Rene Haas , Zeno Rocha


Web Application Framework for R

Winston Chang , Joe Cheng , JJ Allaire , Carson Sievert , Barret Schloerke , Yihui Xie , Jeff Allen , Jonathan McPherson , Alan Dipert , Barbara Borges , Posit Software , PBC , jQuery Foundation , jQuery contributors , jQuery UI contributors , Mark Otto , Jacob Thornton , Bootstrap contributors , Twitter , Inc , Prem Nawaz Khan , Victor Tsaran , Dennis Lembree , Srinivasu Chakravarthula , Cathy O'Connor , PayPal , Inc , Stefan Petre , Andrew Rowls , Brian Reavis , Salmen Bejaoui , Denis Ineshin , Sami Samhuri , SpryMedia Limited , John Fraser , John Gruber , Ivan Sagalaev , R Core Team


Carson Sievert
Joe Cheng
Garrick Aden-Buie
Posit Software
Javi Aguilar
Thomas Park
Jim Hester
Willem Ligtenberg
Kirill Müller
Henrik Bengtsson
Steve Peak
Kirill Sevastyanenko
Jon Clayden
Robert Flight
Eric Brown
Brodie Gaslam
Will Beasley
Robert Krzyzanowski
Markus Wamser
Karl Forner
Gergely Daróczi
Jouni Helske
Kun Ren
Jeroen Ooms
Ken Williams
Chris Campbell
David Hugh-Jones
Qin Wang
Doug Kelkhoff
Ivan Sagalaev
Mark Otto
Jacob Thornton
jQuery Foundation
jQuery contributors
Brian Reavis
Kristopher Michael Kowal
es5-shim contributors
Denis Ineshin
Sami Samhuri
Victor Perrier
Fanny Meyer
JJ Allaire
Yihui Xie
Christophe Dervieux
Jonathan McPherson
Javier Luraschi
Kevin Ushey
Aron Atkins
Hadley Wickham
Winston Chang
Richard Iannone
Andrew Dunning
Atsushi Yasumoto
Barret Schloerke
Devon Ryan
Frederik Aust
Jeff Allen
JooYoung Seo
Malcolm Barrett
Rob Hyndman
Romain Lesur
Roy Storey
Ruben Arslan
Sergio Oller
jQuery UI contributors
Alexander Farkas
Scott Jehl
Greg Franko
John MacFarlane
Dave Raggett
Dave Gandy
Ben Sperry
Aidan Lister
Benct Philip Jonsson
Albert Krewinkel
Zhengjia Wang
Rene Haas
Zeno Rocha
Alan Dipert
Barbara Borges
Prem Nawaz Khan
Victor Tsaran
Dennis Lembree
Srinivasu Chakravarthula
Cathy O'Connor
Stefan Petre
Andrew Rowls
Salmen Bejaoui
SpryMedia Limited
John Fraser
John Gruber
R Core Team